maandag 25 april 2011

Paraesthesia or Saying So Doesn't Make It So (Krafft-Ebing)

What is it that makes me different than Tracey Emin? What is it that is preventing me from working? Constant panic, subtle, like a low flame on a stove-top, flaring up sometimes...I am some of the time an idiot and have wounded narcissism. I am researching the connections between psychoanalysis  / psychology / psychotherapies and artistic practice. Wasn't it that unsavory Joseph Kosuth that said art after psychology was different forever? I must have this wrong because I can't find it Googling anywhere on internet except in my own texts. It is clear where I differ from Sean Landers for me, and even Elke Krystufek, but Tracey has been extremely influential on my work and thought, for many years now, and right now I am having trouble distinguishing myself and my work from her and her work. It's all tied up together.