I am a pain in the ass for people because I dare and I don't dare. I've never changed over the years as far as this goes. Want to expose everything but maybe that is not always a good idea. Just want to talk on the phone some with friends, but I hardly have any friends but those good ones I do have know that it is hard to get me off the phone and that makes me feel guilty--the knowledge that they know that I am a talker. The opening at de Ateliers is this afternoon, in a little while, their annual show of young artists leaving the program. It is now 15 years or so since I left, and I still don't agree with being in that building and the way things are done. Most artists that go there do not take a position, and those that do do this cynically--neither is good in my opinion. Cynicism is the absolute worst, and the crass market approach that so many dealers treat art with. I will never really understand and / or accept it. Cary S. Leibowitz / CandyAss is an interesting artist. For me anyway. He's Jewish, funny, sometimes overweight and with low self esteem. He's got quite a talent for transformative work -- he doesn't let his low self esteem get the better of him like I do.
Whiney asshole, etc. etc. etc. J'adore Gertrude Stein, J'adore Warhol Piss Paintings (not me but him). I think this is all funny and superb. Cokkie Snoei was here in my studio recently and reminded me that she had done an early show with Cary S. Leibowitz / Candyass. Just looked up his photos on Flickr, he knows AA Bronson too...hmmm...Gotta go now, will post and maybe later post again.